 第9回 応用動物科学セミナー(終了しました)
演題:  Pregnancy-specific multitasking natural killer cell subset
演者:  Dr. Aureo T. Yamada
演者所属:  Laboratory of Reproductive and Developmental Biology,
 Institute of Biology, University of Campinas, Brazil
日時:  2012年9月27日(木)16:00 ~
場所:  農学部7号館A棟1階104/105号室 画像をクリックで
レポート:  本セミナーは動物科学のフロンティア(修士課程)および動物科学フロンティア(博士課程)の講義1回分として認定されます.履修者はセミナーの内容をまとめたレポートを作成の上(様式は自由)下記担当教員まで提出すること.
提出期限:  2012年10月11日(木)
担当教員:  応用動物科学専攻 細胞生化学教室
 田中 智 准教授
 Tel: 03-5841-5372
その他:  Pregnancy-specific subset of human and murine uterine-natural killer (uNK) cells modulate positively the maternal-fetal interface homeostasis supporting successful pregnancy mainly by producing angio-vasculogenic mediators. Despite uNK cells produce TNFα and IFNγ pro-inflammatory cytokines and accumulate pore-forming cytolytic proteins in the granules, their commitment to innate immune type cytotoxic response affecting pregnancy is still controversial question. We have evaluated experimentally, the uNK cells time-lapsed response in the stress condition of maternal fetal interface of pregnant mice by in locus surgical euthanasia of developing embryo and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inoculation. They induce hyperemia at the mesometrial endometrium as soon as 10 min after embryo euthanasia and the uNK cells showed selective releasing of perforin and granzyme lytic proteins containing granules, but not the VEGF containing granules. Both embryo euthanasia and LPS treatment induces local increasing of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IFNg and TNFα and systemic increasing of nitric oxide (NO). It was also evidenced side-by-side the occurrence of perforin negative, VEGF positive uNK, suggesting functional subtypes of uNK cells. Similar effects were seen in the uNK cells of pseudopregnant mice uterus locally injected with amniotic fluid from syngeneic mice. Taken all together, mouse uNK cell constitutively produce angiogenic factors and their ability as cytotoxic effectors cells can be triggered in response to unbalanced environment conditions and contribute to pregnancy failure as sensitive sentinel of immunological system.
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C 2012 応用動物科学専攻広報 担当